The uncoveredlms pre-nmc exams

The Nurses and Midwives’ Council (NMC) Exams in Ghana are professional licensing examinations organized by the Nurses and Midwives’ Council of Ghana. These exams are mandatory for individuals who wish to practice as registered nurses, midwives, or other nursing professionals in the country. The purpose of the exams is to assess the knowledge, skills, and competencies of candidates to ensure they meet the standards required for safe and effective practice.

Every year, the nmc Ghana do conduct final exams, that’s what we called the licensure exams for all nursing students in Ghana.

What is the Pre-NMC exams?

The pre-nmc login interface

The pre-nmc exams is one of the best exams practices for all nursing candidates, who are preparing to write their final nmc exams in Ghana.

It’s basically a prototype of the main NMC exams, where nursing candidates irrespective of the field, school are enrolled onto for special practice and assessment.

The Pre-nmc exams is conducted by the uncoveredlms team. And it’s only the uncoveredlms team, which has been dedicated for such activity in Ghana.

The pre-nmc exams conducted by the uncoveredlms team, is a series of exams, specifically multiple-choice questions (MCQ’s) that are conducted for all nursing students. It’s made up of sections for all the nursing courses under all the nursing fields (Cadre) in Ghana.

When and where is it conducted?

The exam has been held at the uncoveredlms pre-nmc exams portal, which is the same portal for the main nmc  exams.

This platform has been linked to the uncoveredlms learning portal for easy access for all our registered vip candidates.

The uncoveredlms examiners do conduct this pre-nmc exams 2-3months to the main nmc exams. For instance, if there will be an nmc exams at March-April, then the pre-nmc exams will start somewhere January.

How Best is the Pre-nmc exams?

The uncoveredlms has been the only leading learning platfor for all nursing students across Ghana. Because of this, our examiners know what are expected of nursing candidates during exams, and hence the exams is secretly prepared.

All candidates that join the uncoveredlms pre-nmc exams, becomes successful in their final nmc exams. We have a successful rate of 90%. That means, once you join pre-nmc exams, you have 90% probability that you’ll be successful in your main nmc exams.

Check testimonials from past candidates. TESTIMONIALS


How do I join the pre-nmc exams?

All nursing candidates must join this exam if you are looking for success in your upcoming main nmc exams. It is compulsory for all candidates in Ghana, irrespective of the field (Cadre).

The requirement is to join our vip lessons as a nursing student, and you will be enrolled into this special exam. JOIN OUR VIP

Steps to follow to take the Pre-nmc exams

  1. Locate your batch.
  2. Tap on the link of your batch to take you to your exact exams portal. The links are pinned at the vip nursing page. Log in to access.
  3. Enter your username in lower cases or you can enter exact Gmail and your login password (Your exact registration number).
  4. Locate the paper available and accessible or the paper you want to attempt.
  5. Read instructions on the papers before you proceed.
  6. Enter the exact paper/quiz password for the paper you want to attempt.
  7. The paper opens for you to answer.
  8. Follow prompts to successfully submit your work for grading.
  9. Log out to avoid misusing your attempt or blocking your account.
  10. There’s no re-attempt and maybe no review. But we’ll discuss those questions in the telegram vip page.
  1. SUPER MOCK 2 for all nursing students, 2025 is ongoing. All nursing candidates must participate in the assessment.
  2. All nursing students/candidates in Ghana writing the N&MC online exams in 2025 MARCH-APRIL and AUGUDT-SEPT, must be enrolled into the uncoveredlms pre-n&mc exams preps before it's restricted. Lessons are ongoing.
  3. The NMC Results for nursing batch August-September 2024, has been released. UPDATE

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