Below are our top 5 brilliant students on this specific mock. It was a total of 120 MCQ's. The pass mark was 70% which is equivalent to 84marks and more. Congratulations to everyone. Share to your classmates.

blessedbortey26 77% OR 92 Points
Genesis 75% OR 90 Points
Afya Angel 75% OR 90 Points
Serwaah 75% OR 89 Points
Esinam 67% OR 81 Points

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  1. April-May Nursing candidates that prepared with uncoveredlms team before writing their NMC exams 2024 are coming up with positive results! Read more about it.
  2. All nursing students/candidates in Ghana writing the N&MC online exams in 2024, Aug-Sept must be enrolled into the uncoveredlms pre-n&mc exams preps before it's restricted.

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